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Q: Three is the first number of pair and 8 is second if 50 is first number what is second number?
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In an what the first number is the coordinate and the second is the coordinate?

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How do you know when an ordered pair could not be in a function?

Evaluate the function at the first number in the pair. If the answer is not equal to the second value, then the ordered pair cannot be in the function.

Second number of an ordered pair?

The second number in an ordered pair (x,y) is the y-coordinate for that point.

What is an 'Amecable pair'?

A pair is said to be amecable when the sum of the factors of first number (excluding itself) is equal to the second number and vice-versa. Eg 220 & 284...

What is the y-coordinate of an ordered pair?

It is the second number in the pair.

The first number in an ordered pair is always called the ycoordinate and the second number is always called the xcoordinate?

This is a statement; it is not a question.

The first number in an ordered pair is always called the y coordinate and the second number is always called the x coordinate?


Which pair of numbers has a sum of 100?

There are infinitely many solutions for that. Choose ANY number as the first number. The subtract 100 minus this number, to get the second number.

What is the second number in a order pair?

If cartesian coordinates are used then the second number in an ordered pair is the y coordinate, also known as the ordinate. If polar coordinates are used then the second number is the angle.

The second number of an ordered pair?


Is -33 an -32 located on the x or y axis?

(-33,-32) is located on both the X and Y axis'. The first number of the pair = the X axis The second number of the pair = the Y axis