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... should be increased by a factor of 4. Note that this implies that the only errors are statistical (random) in nature; increasing the sample size won't improve systematic errors.

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Q: To cut the maximum likely error in half the sample size should be?
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Related questions

How does increasing the sample size affect the sample error of the mean?

It should reduce the sample error.

How does sample size affect the size of your standard error?

The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.The standard error should decrease as the sample size increases. For larger samples, the standard error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.

Will the standard error decrease if the sample size increases?

it should decrease

Will margins of error for sample of size 80 be larger or smaller than those for sample size of 40?

They should be smaller for the sample size 80.

How can reduce the percentage error?

The larger the sample, the lower the % error.. so to reduce a % error, increase your sample size.

What would a sampling error of zero mean?

The sampling error is the error one gets from observing a sample instead of the whole population. The bigger it is, the less faith you should have that your sample represents the true value in the population. If it is zero, your sample is VERY representative of the population and you can trust that your result is true of the population.

What do error bar show within?

The centre of the error bar shows the point estimate for a variable and the bits that stick out are the likely minimum and maximum values.

How does sample size affect the margin of error?

The larger the sample size, the smaller the margin of error.

What are the effects of sample size on sampling error?

The sampling error is inversely proportional to the square root of the sample size.

Can increasing sample size reduce random error?

Random error and sample size have an inverse relationship...As sample size INCREASES random error DECREASES. There's a good explanation at the related link.

How does one calculate the standard error of the sample mean?

Standard error of the sample mean is calculated dividing the the sample estimate of population standard deviation ("sample standard deviation") by the square root of sample size.

The height of a plant is 45 cm with an estimated absolute error of 0.9 cm what percent is the relative error?

To get the relative error is the maximum error over the measurement. So the maximum error is the absolute error divided by 2. So the maximum error is 0.45. The relative error is 0.45 over 45 cm.