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They have gotten different results because they performed it from their knowledge.

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Q: Two scientists have performed the same experiment and have gotten different results why?
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What do scientists do after the reach conclusions from the results of their experiments?

They share the results of the experiment.

Scientists may do a controlled experiment to?

Communicate results

why might scientists conduct an experiment in a lab, and then repeat the experiment in the field?

To verify whether or not laboratory conditions are necessary to recreate the results. If the same experiment produces the same results in different environments, then the scientist knows that the results are sound. However, if the results are different in different places, then it may be an environmental factor of the laboratory that is affecting the outcome. Repeating the experiment in different environments allows scientists to either confirm or rule out this possibility.

After fisnishing an experiment scientists their results?

Publish. (Or try to, at least.)

What can scientists do if the results of an experiment do not support a hypothesis?

draw conclusions

Why do scientists share the results of an experiment?

to inform others of their work

What can scientists do if the results of an experiment do not support hypothesis?

draw conclusions

What occur when the expectation of a scientist change how the results of an experiment are viewed?

Bias occurs when scientists' expectations change how the results of an experiment are viewed.

Why was Pangaeas hypothesis rejected?

because it obviously had no proof and the same results were not achieved when the experiment was repeated several times by different scientists.

Why was the Pangaea hypothesis rejected?

because it obviously had no proof and the same results were not achieved when the experiment was repeated several times by different scientists.