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Q: Two to the power of negative four?
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negative eight plus two times four to the second power

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Seven to the negative four power equals 0.00041649312

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What is negative two divided by three to the third power multiply by three divided by four to the third power?

Do the homework yourself N00B

What does two times negative two equal?

Negative four

What is 4 to the negative 5th power?

Four to the negative 5th power equals 0.0009765625

What is eight over negative two?

negative four is

What is an example of a rational number between the negative square root of four and the square root of four?

-1,0,or 1 the negative square root of four is negative two and the square root of four is two

What does negative four plus negative two equal?

negative six

Four fifths divided by negative four sevenths?

negative one and two fifths

What is four minus two?

Negative Two.

Why is there two different answers to negative four to the second power?

There isn't. (-4)^2 is positive 16. however you may be confusing this with -(4)^2 which is negative 16