Depends; the Christian calendar started at one (the year Jesus was 'born'). Its more of a matter of opinion than fact, and the only real events you would have in that year (that would be of any use at all) are based on religion and belief.
499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.
That symbol, when placed before or after a date, signifies that it was after the year 0. Usually if there is no abbreviation before or after a date, it is assumed to be after the year 0 as well. BC is the opposite, meaning that the date was before the year 0.
1 year; there is no year 0
there is no year 0, no matter what people say. so, its B.C. 1 and A.D. 1.
its 2012 :0
There is no such thing is the year 0
Year 0.
499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.499. Had there been a year 0 it would have been 500.
Year 0
year 0
It was 30th of December 1170. No difference if you assume that year 0 was in year 0.
LEAP YEAR:-if the year is divisible by 4 that year is leap year and the year is divisible by 100 which gives remainder 0 then that year is not a leap year....... #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int year, decided; printf("Enter the Year"); scanf("%d"&year); decided= 0; if (year%4!=0) decided= -1; /* ordinary year, eg 1901 */ if (!decided && year%100!=0) decided= 1; /* leap year, eg 1904 */ if (!decided && year%400!=0) decided= -1; /* ordinary year, eg 1900 */ if (!decided) decided= 1; /* leap year, eg 2000 */ if (decided<0) printf("Year is not Leap Year"); else printf ("Leap Year"); return 0; } it can can solve by this Easy method #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int year, lyear; printf("Enter the year = "); scanf("%d",&year); lyear=year%4; if(lyear==0) { printf("Leap year"); } else { printf("Not a Leap year"); } getch(); }
There is no person who was born in the year 0. The concept of the year 0 does not exist in the Gregorian calendar system. The Gregorian calendar starts with the year 1 AD (Anno Domini), with the year immediately preceding it being 1 BC (Before Christ).
Be Yourself, boys like your personality! =0 =) :) :0
That symbol, when placed before or after a date, signifies that it was after the year 0. Usually if there is no abbreviation before or after a date, it is assumed to be after the year 0 as well. BC is the opposite, meaning that the date was before the year 0.
There is no year 0 in our calendar; 1 B.C. is a leap year.