Yes! There have always been 13 signs of the Zodiac. For some reason Astrology does not recognise 'Ophiuchus' which like the other 12 Zodical constellations, contains the Sun during the year.
The date that Ophiuchus would represent on the calendar would be November 30th - December 18th. One reason why astrology does not use it may be because it would mess up their yearly 12 month calendars.
The zodiac star sign for March 12 is Pisces (February 20 - March 20).
If you were born on December 10, your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. If you were born in 1987, your Chinese Horoscope sign is Rabbit.
Cancer or Scorpio
If you are born on July 27 then your zodiac star sign is Leo.
Pisces is your zodiac sign.
If you were born on July 13th, your zodiac sign is Cancer.
Born on April 13th, a person would have been born under the sign of Aries.
The zodiac sign for December 13 is Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21).
Prince Jackson was born on February 13th, so his sign is Aquarius.
There is no counterpart in Chinese astrology for ophiuchus.It is a disputed 13th zodiac sign.
Born 13th September, you are Virgo in the western zodiac and Brown Bear in the Amerind earth magic zodiac.
Your star sign will be Leo Born 13th August you are Leo in the western zodiac and Salmon in the Amerind earth magic zodiac.
The 13th sign is "Ophiuchi". Nothing special about it, it just got dropped when people went from a 13 Moonth calandar to a 12 month calandar about 2000 years ago (blame the Romans).
the new zodiac sign is Ophiuchus and its from November 29 till December 17. It is pronounced as (of-fee-u-cus) I am 98% sure it is pronounced like this. 2% sure it is not.
This question can not be answered because the zodiac signs change in mid month so the sign for October would be different the first two weeks of the month compared to the last two weeks when it is a different sign.
Serpentarius is not a recognized astrological sign in Western astrology. It was proposed as a 13th zodiac sign based on the constellation Ophiuchus, but it is not widely accepted in mainstream astrology.