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Weight has same dimension and unit as force. Distance has same dimension and unit as displacement. So weight * distance has same dimension and unit as force * displacement.

Force * displacement is work done by the force. Work divided by time to do the work is Power. So weight * distance divided by time also has same dimension and unit as Power although it is not power.

S.I. unit of weight * distance divided by time is Newton *meter/second or Nms-1 (in abbr.)

It's dimensions are 1, 2, -3 in mass, length and time respectively.

Note that given quantity's unit can't be joule/second or watt because weight * distance is not work done, only unit and dimension are same1 .

1. Two physical quantities may have same dimensions and units but that doesn't mean they refer to same quantity.

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Q: Weight x distance divided by time?
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