The condition is the two vectors are perpendicular to each other.
Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.
Two vectors, no; three vectors yes.
You do vector addition.
Consider two vectors A and B Represented by directionel lines OM and ON respectivelynow add the two vectors by head to tail tail of vector addition now resolve it into rectangular components as shown in figure
Adding two vectors results in a new vector that represents the combination of the two original vectors. The new vector is defined by finding the sum of the corresponding components of the two vectors.
The condition is the two vectors are perpendicular to each other.
Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.
Yes, two vectors of different magnitudes can be combined to give a zero resultant if they are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. For three vectors to give a zero resultant, they must form a closed triangle or meet at a common point where the sum of the vectors equals zero.
Two vectors, no; three vectors yes.
If they are of equal magnitude and opposite direction.
You do vector addition.
The addition of vectors involves adding corresponding components together. For example, to add two vectors A = (a1, a2) and B = (b1, b2), the result would be C = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2). The addition of vectors follows the commutative property, meaning A + B = B + A.
Consider two vectors A and B Represented by directionel lines OM and ON respectivelynow add the two vectors by head to tail tail of vector addition now resolve it into rectangular components as shown in figure
No. The vector resultant of addition of vectors is the vector that would connect the tail of the first vector to the head of the last. For any set of vectors to add to the zero vector, the endpoint of the last vector added must be coincident with the start point of the first. Therefore for the sum of only two vectors to have a chance of being the zero vector, the second vector must be in a direction exactly opposite the first. So you can tell that the result of adding the two vectors could only can be zero vector if the two vectors were of two equal magnitude.
adding two or more vectors