Total number of 2-digit numbers = (99 - 9) = 90 of themEvery number that isn't a perfect square has an even number of factors.2-digit numbers that are perfect squares: 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, and 81 = 6 of themRemaining 2-digit numbers = (99 - 6) = 93 .
It would help to know which digit. 0 appears in 9 numbers and each of the others in 18 numbers.
There are no three didgit numbers but there are 63 three digit numbers.
Highest 2-digit number = 99 Highest 1-digit number = 9 Highest possible sum from 2, 2-digit numbers = 198 Highest possible sum from 2, 1-digit numbers = 18
There are more 12-digit palindromic numbers than 11-digit palindromic numbers. This is because the number of possible 12-digit palindromic numbers is greater than the number of possible 11-digit palindromic numbers. In general, the number of palindromic numbers of length n is 9 * 10^((n-1)/2), so for 11-digit palindromic numbers, there are 9 * 10^5 = 900,000 possibilities, while for 12-digit palindromic numbers, there are 9 * 10^6 = 9,000,000 possibilities.
Using prime factorization, there are 2 three digit numbers with 9 factors: 512 and 768. There are no three digit numbers with 10 or more prime factors. 512=2^9 and 768=3*2^8
Total number of 2-digit numbers = (99 - 9) = 90 of themEvery number that isn't a perfect square has an even number of factors.2-digit numbers that are perfect squares: 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, and 81 = 6 of themRemaining 2-digit numbers = (99 - 6) = 93 .
There are 9 possible numbers for the first digit (one of {1, 2, ..., 9}); with 9 possible digits for the second digit (one of {0, 1, 2, ..., 9} which is not the first digit)); with 8 possible digits for the third digit (one of {0, 1, 2, ..., 9} less the 2 digits already chosen); This there are 9 × 9 × 8 = 648 such numbers.
First 9 pages = 9 digit. That leaves 142 digits. @ 2 digit per page, that is 142/2 = 71 pages with 2-digit numbers. So, 9 pages with 1-digit numbers + 71 pages with 2-digit numbers = 80 pages.
Well, honey, single digit factors of a number are just the numbers that can divide into that number without leaving a remainder. So, for example, the single digit factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. It's like finding out who's invited to the party before you start breaking out the cake.
36 has nine factors.
It would help to know which digit. 0 appears in 9 numbers and each of the others in 18 numbers.
There are 9 of them.
There are no three didgit numbers but there are 63 three digit numbers.
What two numbers have the factors 2 4 and 8