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Q: What Is the capacity to distinguish between two adjacent points. Select one magnification resolving power multiplication emulsification?
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Is it better to have a telescope with a high resolving power or a high magnification explain why?

It is generally better to have a telescope with high resolving power rather than high magnification. Resolving power determines the ability to distinguish fine details in an image, while magnification simply increases the size of the image. High resolving power provides sharper and more detailed images, making it more useful for observing faint or distant objects in the night sky.

What does resolving power of a microscope mean?

The resolving power of a microscope refers to its ability to differentiate between small details in an image. It is determined by the numerical aperture of the lens and the wavelength of the light being used. A higher resolving power means that the microscope can distinguish between finer details in the specimen being observed.

Does resolving power increase with magnification?

If magnification increases ONLY, then resolving power does not increase. However, if the magnification increased while staying in focus (upgrading resolution and magnification with objective lense), shorter wavelengths are needed to stay in focus with increased magnification to yield the same high resolution as with previous objective lense, so this case, resolving power does increase.

What is meant by the resolving power of a microscope?

the resolution (resolving power) of a microscope means its ability to distinguish two items at its highest magnification. the same goes for any other optical instrument. its like watching two lines which are extremely close to each other with unaided eye and then watching them with the microscope. with the unaided eye they will appear as one line. with the microscope they will appear distinct.

What is the difference between Magnification and resolving power?

Magnification refers to how much larger an object appears compared to its actual size, while resolving power refers to the ability to distinguish two separate points or details in an image. Magnification deals with the size of an object, while resolving power deals with the clarity and sharpness of details in an image.

The magnification of a light microscope is limited to 1000X by the resolving power of the instrument.?


What is the capacity to distinguish between two adjacent points?

resolving power

Compare magnification resolving power and contrast?

Magnification refers to the degree to which an object is enlarged under a microscope, while resolving power is the ability of the microscope to distinguish two separate points. Contrast, on the other hand, refers to the clarity and distinction of edges in an image. All three factors are important in microscopy for visualizing and analyzing specimens effectively.

Does the diameter of a telescope control its magnification?

No, the diameter of a telescope's objective lens or mirror determines its light-gathering ability and resolving power, while the magnification is determined by the ratio of the focal length of the objective lens or mirror to the eyepiece.

What is the resolving power of a 25Cm telescope?

The resolving power of a telescope is determined by its aperture size. The resolving power of a 25cm telescope would be approximately 0.5 arcseconds, which means it can distinguish two objects that are at least 0.5 arcseconds apart in the sky.

Difference between resolving power and magnifying power of a lens?

Resolving power refers to the ability of a lens to distinguish between small details or objects that are close together, while magnifying power relates to the ability of a lens to make an object appear larger when viewed through the lens. Resolving power is determined by the lens' ability to minimize blurring and separate closely spaced objects, while magnifying power is determined by the focal length of the lens and its ability to enlarge the image.

What is the ability to distinguish two nearby objects called?

Resolving power.