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Q: What Prove that if two chords of a circle bisect each other then the two chords are diameter of the given circle?
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How can we prove that when a circle's diameter is 1 its circumference is pi?

Because the circumference of a circle = pi*diameter and pi*1 = pi

How can you prove that a line going through a circle is a line of symmetry?

The diameter of a circle is its line of symmetry and the lines can be infinite

Does the area of a circle double if its diameter doubles?

The area is four times as large if the diameter doubles.The area of a circle is A = (pi)r2 or (pi)(diameter/2)2Since d is squared, it increases the area by the square of 2 if the diameter is doubled.Try calculating the area for a diameter of 2m, 4m and 8m to prove this.

How can you prove that a diameter divide a circle into 2 equal pieces?

The diameter is a straight angle (180 degrees). The diameter goes through the center of the circle Angles which go through the center of the circle divide the circle into sectors whose area obeys the formula Area = Angle/360 * PI (i'm using a unit circle) that's the approach i'm thinking... not totally sure if that's valid though.

How can you prove that a line segment has only one mid point?

Measure it or bisect it with a compass

What are the proofs that a quadrilateral ia s parallelogram?

There are 5 ways to prove a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram. -Prove both pairs of opposite sides congruent -Prove both pairs of opposite sides parallel -Prove one pair of opposite sides both congruent and parallel -Prove both pairs of opposite angles are congruent -Prove that the diagonals bisect each other

How do you know that the sum of an angle in a circle is 360?

It's actually 2(pi), you technically need to say 360 degrees. I believe we defined it to be that, but you can prove that it's 360 degrees: Draw a diameter. Draw a second diameter perpendicular to the first. You now have four right angles. Right angles measure 90 degrees. 90 * 4 = 360 Hence, there are 360 degrees in the circle.

Prove that if the diagonal of a parallelogram does not bisect the angles through the vertices to which the diagonal is drawn the parallelogram is not a rhombus?

Suppose that the parallelogram is a rhombus (a parallelogram with equal sides). If we draw the diagonals, isosceles triangles are formed (where the median is also an angle bisector and perpendicular to the base). Since the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, and the diagonals don't bisect the vertex angles where they are drawn, then the parallelogram is not a rhombus.

How do you prove In a circle or congruent circles congruent central angles have congruent arcs?

Chuck Norris can prove it

What is circumference of the universe?

There are many things man can not prove. This is one of them.

How can you prove that radian angle is a constant angle?

In any and all circles, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter is a constant called 'pi' ~ 3.14159 and since a full circle contains 2 pi radians = a constant 360 degrees, then the radian itself is a constant angle ~ 180/3.14159 = 57.3'.

Why did James Cook discover the Arctic Circle?

He wanted to prove that you can travel to Antarctica, without freezing.