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Q: What are 4 ways people misuse land?
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How many ways can 4 people be arranged in a line if there are 6 people to choose from?

24 ways

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There are 8!/(4!*4!) = 70 ways.

How many different ways can 4 people be seated on a row of seats?

4 people seated on a row may have 4! = 4x3x2x1 = 24 different ways to sit.

How many ways can you sit four people in a row?

There are 24 ways to arrange 4 people in a row.

How many ways can 5 people sit at a round table?

(n-1)! ways 5 people, so 4! ways I do not believe that answer is correct. Look at it this way: Let the first person sit anywhere. Then the remaining 4 people can be seated in 4! (4 factorial = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) Therefore 4! = 24 ways of seating 5 people around a circular table.

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Number of ways Cube-A can land = 6. For each of those . . .Number of ways Cube-B can land = 6Total number of different ways both cubes can land = 6 x 6 = 36Exactly 5 can be made in 4 ways:1 - 44 - 12 - 33 - 2Probability of exactly 5 = ( 4 )/( 36 ) = 1/9 = 111/9 %

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87,178,291,200 ways. That is factorial 14 or expressed as 14! = 14*13*12*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 With just 4 people there are 4*3*2*1 = 24 ways With 5 people there are 5*4*3*2*1 = 120 ways etc.etc.

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16 times

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4 ways all up 2 up 1 down 1 up 2 down all down

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