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Q: What are 90 words that use abcdefg?
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How many words can you make out of the letters ABCDEFG?

Some words that can be made with the letters 'abcdefg' are:aace, acedadage, agedbadbadebadgebagbebeadbedbegcabcadcadgecafecage, cageddabdebdeafdecafedegadfabface, facedfadfadefedgabgad

What is the longest word using only the letters abcdefg?

Using the letters abcdefg you can spell a few 5 letter words. Badge, caged and faced are words spelled using the letters abcdefg.

What six letter words can be made from abcdefg?

Utilizing the letters abcdefg you can make 5, 4, 3 and 2 letter words. However, you can not make any 6 letter words.

What words only using abcdefg can form a phrase?

A bag.

What words can you make of abcdefg in welsh?

Dw'in rhy brysur

What 6 letter words can you make out of abcdefg?

facade, deface

What are 7 letter words using only abcdefg?

There are no 7 letter words in English using only those letters.Words that can be made from "abcdefg" are:aace, acedadage, agedbadbadebadgebagbebeadbedbegcabcadcadgecafecage, cageddabdebdeafdecafedegadfabface, facedfadfadefedgabgad

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What are the coordinates of B' if A'B'C'D'E'F'G' is a 90 and deg counterclockwise rotation of ABCDEFG about the origin?

If B was (x, y) then B' is (-y, x).

When was Balu ABCDEFG created?

Balu ABCDEFG was created on 2005-01-06.

What are 100 words can you make with the letters abcdefg?

You can not make 100 words utilizing only the letters abcdefg. You can spell the words ace, aced, ad, age, aged, bad, badge, bag, be, bead, bed, beg, cab, cadge, café, cage, caged, dab, deaf, decaf, face, faced, fad, fade, fed and gab.

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