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I think it's a binomial.

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Q: What are The monomials which make up a polynomial called?
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Why monomial is not polynomial?

In mathematics, a polynomial is a finite expression made up of variables and constants, by using the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication. The other requirement is the the exponents bet non-negative whole number.A polynomial is the sum of two or more monomials. That is why a monomial is not a polynomial.

What are the Similarities between division of polynomials and binomials?

They are both made up of monomials.Binomial is a type of polynomial with only two terms.So almost everything that applies to polynomial applies to a binomial.For example, both are finite sums of monomials.. Both have only positive or zero exponents on all the terms.

Which algebraic expression is a polynomial with a degree of 4?

A polynomial is made up of one or several monomials (terms added or subtracted together). The term with the highest degree should have a degree of 4. To get the degree, if it's a single variable, the degree is the power to which it is raised; if there are several variables, add all the powers together.

What is a polynomial made up of two terms?

That's called a binomial. "Bi" means two.

To set up long division of polynomials you should make sure that each polynomial is written in order and has no missing terms?

Make sure that each polynomial is written is DESCENDING order. *Apex student*

What polynomial must be subtracted from it to obtain 29x 2 -7?

The answer depends on what "it" is. That has not been specified: I could make a guess but then I may as well make up my own question and answer it!

Is 8x10 plus 2x5 a polynomial?

Yah, (80 + 10)... it's a polynomial but after you add them up, (90) it's a monomial. Hope I helped :)

Is x raised to a negative number a polynomial?

you are so messed up....... a polynomial is just a expression consisting of several terms. like abc or ab or 2a or x to a negative number is not a polynomial because x is only one term

The words that make up a dictionary are called?

The words that make up a dictionary are called entries or lexemes.

Why the graph of a polynomial function with real coefficients must have a y-intercept but may have no x-intercept?

For a polynomial of the form y = p(x) (i.e., some polynomial function of x), having a y-intercept simply means that the polynomial is defined for x = 0 - and a polynomial is defined for any value of "x". As for the x-intercept: from left to right, a polynomial of even degree may come down, not quite reach zero, and then go back up again. A simple example is y = x2 + 1. Why is the situation for "x" and for "y" different? Well, the original equation is a polynomial in "x"; but if you solve for "x", you don't get a polynomial in "y".

What are computer problems of class NP?

NP stands for Nondeterministic Polynomial time, and is a class of complexity of problems. A problem is in NP if the computing time needed grows exponentially with the amount of input, but it only takes polynomial time to determine if a given solution is correct or not.It is called nondeterministic because a computer that always automatically chooses the right course of action in each step would come up with a correct solution in polynomial time.

What is the relationship between the degree of a polynomial and the number of roots it has?

In answering this question it is important that the roots are counted along with their multiplicity. Thus a double root is counted as two roots, and so on. The degree of a polynomial is exactly the same as the number of roots that it has in the complex field. If the polynomial has real coefficients, then a polynomial with an odd degree has an odd number of roots up to the degree, while a polynomial of even degree has an even number of roots up to the degree. The difference between the degree and the number of roots is the number of complex roots which come as complex conjugate pairs.