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Q: What are all of the answers to a 5 by 5 magic square?
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What is the magic square that uses multiples of five?

Just take any magic square, and multiply every number by 5. Here you will get another magic square with all numbers multiples of 5.

Magic square answers from 1 to 9?

[8] [1] [6] [3] [5] [7] [4] [9] [2]

Does the number 5 always have to be in the middle of a magic square?

Think! What if the magic square had an even number of cells. There's your answer.

how do magic 8 balls work?

The Magic 8 Ball contains a 20-sided die with 10 positive answers, 5 negative answers, and 5 vague responses such as “Concentrate and ask again” and “Reply hazy, try again.” The answers on the white die are raised so that they can be visible when the die is pressed against the glass.

In a magic square of 9 spaces the sums of the columns rows and diagonals are all the same Using the digits 2-10 only once fill in the blanks to make this figure a magic square with a sum of 18?

[ 9 ] [ 2 ] [ 7 ][ 4 ] [ 6 ] [ 8 ][ 5 ] [10 ] [ 3 ]

Integer magic square -5 to 10?

Take any valid 4 x 4 magic square. For example: 9 6 3 16 4 15 10 5 14 1 8 11 7 1 10 16 Decrease every number by 6, so that the smallest number you will find in the square is -5, and the largest number in the square will be 10. This is a valid magic square for the set of numbers given and can be rotated any of four ways, and reflected either of two ways.

What is the difference between a square and a rectangle 5 answers?

all sides of a square are the same length. Only opposite sides of a rectangle have equal length, adjacent sides do not.

What is the significance of magic squares?

A magic square is a square full of numbers so that all rows and columns, and both diagonals, add up to the same number. For example: 2 7 6 9 5 1 4 3 8 Every row, every column and both the diagonals add up to 15.

What two numbers are you between the Square root of 98?

-9 and 5 are two possible answers.

What are the principles and formation of magic square?

magic squares are a type of puzzle in which all the rows and columns add up to the same sum or each column/row contains the same set of characters. Usually, a set of starting numbers or characters is given, and the other numbers or characters must be filled in. Sudoku is very similar to a magic square. 8 | 1 | 6 ------------ 3 | 5 | 7 ------------ 4 | 9 | 2 MAGIC GICMA CMAGI AGICM ICMAG

How do you put the remaining numbers of 1-9 in the magic square so that all columnsrowsand diagonals equal the same?


What is the formula to figer out the area of a square that is 5 inches on all sides?

It is: 5*5 = 25 square inches