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It is impossible to list the infinite number of prime numbers and composite numbers.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: What are all of the composite numbers and all of the prime numbers?
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Are all numbers in the 90's prime or composite?

The numbers in the 90s are all composite, apart from 97, which is prime.

Does the prime factorization of any composite number include prime and composite numbers?

Prime factorization never includes a composite number. All numbers in prime factorization must be prime numbers.

Are all the numbers in the nineties prime or composite?

97 is prime, the rest are composite.

What are all the prime composite numbers?

There is no prime composite number; an integer greater than 2 can be either prime or composite, but not both. Nor can you list all the prime number and all the composite numbers: you have infinite sets in both cases.

Are all multiples of a prime number are prime numbers?

No, multiples of prime numbers are composite.

What are numbers after one that are composite and prime numbers?

All numbers greater than one are positive integers that are either composite or prime numbers.

How many composite numbers are there from 1 to 40?

Look up a table of prime numbers. All those numbers that are not prime, are composite - except 1, which is neither prime nor composite.

Is 6 a composite or prime?

Composite. All even numbers are.

What are all the numbers that are not prime numbers called?

They are the composite numbers, products of primes and their multiples. All even numbers are composite, except the number two (2) which is prime.

What are all the numbers that are not prime or composite?

The property of prime or composite applies only to integers. All other numbers (non-integer rationals and all irrational numbers) are neither prime nor composite. Within integers, 0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite.

Are all numbers composite explain?

not all numbers are composite cause theres also prime numbers bro.

Are all prime numbers composite numbers?

Not at all. The definition of a composite number is one that has more than two factors - the exact opposite of a prime.