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Altitudes above vs. below sea level; having money vs. owing money; moving in one direction vs. moving in the opposite direction; being above and below a certain reference level (for calculating potential energy). In general, in many situations where you have two opposites, one can be called "positive", the other "negative".

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Q: What are life examples where positive and negative integers can be used?
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What careers involve integers?

Integers can be used for everyday life! There are two kinds of integers - positive and negative. Integers greater than 0 are positive integers, while integers less that 0 are negative integers. Zero is neither positive nor negative. For example, the game Mancala is an African game that is over 3,000 years old. The object is for a player to capture the opponent's stones. Suppose a player removes 12 opponent's stones. Since there is a decreases in stones, the negative integer, -12, represents this situation.

What is the use of integers in real life?

Counting, checking your bank account what has been deducted, reading a weather report, or even when you check your weight. The integers are positive and negative numbers we use in life.

What is an example of a real life integer?

Integer Real life problems are examples in real life that relate to Intgers. For example, Lakes: Positive Integers could be related to the height of the lake above sea level Negative integers would related with the height of the lake below sea level Banks- Depositing $20 (positive number) into your account. And then the next day withdraw 100 20-100=???

Examples of the positive and negative consequences of ethnocentrism for group life?

haha you are definitely in my soc. class at necco

What are some examples of real life situations to explain why a negative number times a negative number will give a negative number?

A negative number times a negative number gives you a POSITIVE number, not a negative number.

Examples of integers in real life situations?


When do you use integers in life?

Integers are used everyday in life. The counting numbers are a subset of the integers and we use them every day. Another name for the counting numbers is the natural numbers. So the positive integers are used to count objects all around us. Now 0 is an integer also and we use it all the time as you might guess. What about the negative integers? We use those when we talk about very cold temperatures. For example, it is -20 is North Dakota and -20 is a negative integer.

Positive and negative points of technology?

Its depend on you, which one you feed that grow.

What are some examples of real life situations to explain why a negative number times a positive number will give a negative number?

cold temperature sub-basement debt walking backward

How do you use negative integers in real life?

Negative numbers can be used for weather, when we talk about temperature that is below zero.

What are some examples of negative numbers in daily life?

There are lots of situations in the real world in which there are opposites, which can conveniently be expressed with positive/negative numbers. Here are some examples:Having money (positive), having a debt (negative)Getting a profit (positive) or a loss (negative) with a business ventureAn altitude above (positive) or below (negative) sea levelGaining points or losing points in a gameMoving in one direction or in the opposite direction. In this case, it is quite arbitrary which direction is chosen as positive.

What are the positive and negative effects of using robots?

Positive : makes life easier negative : makes us lazy