Numbers with their Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) as 1 are called to be as relatively prime to each other.
Relatively prime numbers are two or more numbers that can be compared with each other. A single number cannot be relatively prime.
When 2 numbers have their GCF = 1, it means that the numbers are relatively prime to each other, which doesn't necessarily mean that they are prime on their own. There are 2 cases where relative prime can be guarenteed: All prime numbers are guarenteed to be relatively prime to all other prime numbers. Any prime number is guarenteed to be relatively prime to any composite number smaller than the prime number. If neither of the above 2 conditions are met, manual calculations must be done to find any existing GCF.
Composite numbers are numbers greater than 1 that have more than two factors. Relatively prime numbers are numbers that have no common factors other than 1. Therefore, to find 3-digit composite numbers that are relatively prime, we need to look for numbers that are composite and have no common factors. An example of such a pair of 3-digit composite numbers that are relatively prime would be 119 and 143.
59 and 97, being both prime, are relatively prime to each other.
No, they are not. Each is divisible by 3.
Relatively prime numbers are two or more numbers that can be compared with each other. A single number cannot be relatively prime.
No. Even numbers can't be relatively prime to each other.
Numbers are co-prime, or relatively prime, if their GCF is 1. 4 and 9 are relatively prime.
Neither nine nor sixteen are prime numbers. They are relatively prime to each other.
The question is incomplete. A single number cannot be relatively prime. Two numbers are relatively prime *to each other* if their only common factor is 1, such as the numbers 21 and 11. A similar question would be "How far is it to London?" You need to know the other piece of information such as "From where?" Now, 62 is going to be relatively prime to many numbers, since it only has factors of 2 and 31, so all odd numbers that are not multiples of 31 are going to be relatively prime to 62.
Yes, if they have no common factors. Do the prime factorization for two numbers, and check whether they have, or don't have, common factors. Example: let one of the numbers be 2 x 3, the other 52. Since none of the numbers shares factors with the other one, they are relatively prime.
When 2 numbers have their GCF = 1, it means that the numbers are relatively prime to each other, which doesn't necessarily mean that they are prime on their own. There are 2 cases where relative prime can be guarenteed: All prime numbers are guarenteed to be relatively prime to all other prime numbers. Any prime number is guarenteed to be relatively prime to any composite number smaller than the prime number. If neither of the above 2 conditions are met, manual calculations must be done to find any existing GCF.
Composite numbers are numbers greater than 1 that have more than two factors. Relatively prime numbers are numbers that have no common factors other than 1. Therefore, to find 3-digit composite numbers that are relatively prime, we need to look for numbers that are composite and have no common factors. An example of such a pair of 3-digit composite numbers that are relatively prime would be 119 and 143.
59 and 97, being both prime, are relatively prime to each other.
No, they are not. Each is divisible by 3.
No, 12 and 15 aren't relatively prime, because they both share as a prime factor 3. Dividing both12 and 15 by 3 gives 4 and 5 respectively. Consecutive numbers are always coprime. Coprime numbers are relatively prime to each other, as they share no prime factors, for example 33 and 35,