2, a sack in the end zone is considered a safety which is 2 points
yes they can
"Points" are never considered a line segment. Points are never anything else but points.But any two points 'determine' a line segment, because there's only one line segmentthat can be drawn between them.So if you have several points on a line, then any two of them determine a segmentof that line.
They are considered genius level. A score of 100, plus or minus 10 points, is considered average.
There is a rectangle under the basket on the court. That area is considered the paint, and obviously any points scored in that area would be considered 'points in the paint.'
4 points
There is a rectangle under the basket on the court. That area is considered the paint, and obviously any points scored in that area would be considered 'points in the paint.'
In order to be considered a negligent operator you must have 2 points in a twelve month period.
2, a sack in the end zone is considered a safety which is 2 points
An infinite number
yes they can
Points have no dimensions, whatsoever. They are just DOT points.
If there are no common points but both lines lie n the same plane they are considered "coplanar points"
Points that are contained on the same line or portion of a line are considered to be collinear.