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Q: What are possible preventive measures?
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Preventive Medicine Measures Source:

What are 5 preventive measures for heart ailments?

5 symptons and 5 preventive measures for heart ailments

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Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures?

What is a sentence with the word preventive in it?

Let's try some preventive measures.

How can osteochondroses be prevented?

No preventive measures are known.

How do you prevent cultism?

what are preventive measures against cultism

2 preventive measures of violence against women?

Empowering women through education and coming up with the legislative laws are two preventive measures of violence against women.

What are preventive measures toward prostitution?

The way is rescue them and get them a job.

How can silicosis be prevented?

Preventive occupational safety measures include:

What is a preventive effect?

an effect prevented by certain measures taken

What preventative measures would be given to a Health visitor?

Education and Preventive legislation :)))))