haha okay..
well if there was a pile of spoon.. and two were going one way and there was one on top going the other way then it would be a transversal.
Railway lines with sleepers? Lines of latitude crossed by a line of longitude?
examples of quadratic equation in word problem form with real life situations like sports baseball, hockey
Planet's orbit :)
Transversal lines cut through or touch parallel lines as for example support sleepers on a rail track or transversal supports on a gate
The trajectories of pool shots are perfect examples. The cue ball bounces off one rail and travels to its opposite parallel rail. The angles all work according to the rules of geometry.
There are very few real life examples of nonagons. The only examples that I can think of are a few coins.
some real life examples are a water bottle, pipes, cans
Railway lines with sleepers? Lines of latitude crossed by a line of longitude?
ATOMS are real life examples of atoms. They do exist.
real life example of exterior angles
There are many examples of daily life applications of real numbers. Some of these examples include clocks and calendars.