Provided that the ellipses refers to "repeating", the answer is yes.However, -0.33333303033033303333.... is not a real number.
examples of quadratic equation in word problem form with real life situations like sports baseball, hockey
some examples of a parabola are: bridges, McDonald's arches, skateboard ramps, satellite dish, smiles ... and some more
--actually they are used in real life. parabolas are seen in "parabolic microphones" or satellites. and there are others for both ellipses and hyperbolas.
There are very few real life examples of nonagons. The only examples that I can think of are a few coins.
some real life examples are a water bottle, pipes, cans
ATOMS are real life examples of atoms. They do exist.
real life example of exterior angles
There are many examples of daily life applications of real numbers. Some of these examples include clocks and calendars.
examples of quadratic equation in word problem form with real life situations like sports baseball, hockey