

What are scalars?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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14y ago

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A measurement without direction, meaning that it is only a magnitude (as opposed to vector which has magnitude and direction). E.g, a speed of 5km/h is a scalar while a velocity of 19m/s west is a vector.
Scalars are a type of number that have size (but not direction like vectors).

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Are vectors and scalars the same?

No, vectors and scalars are not the same. Vectors have both magnitude and direction, while scalars only have magnitude. Examples of vectors include velocity and force, while examples of scalars include speed and temperature.

What are some types of scalars?

Some examples of scalars include temperature, speed, mass, and energy. Scalars are physical quantities that have a magnitude but no direction.

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Vectors have a direction associated with them, scalars do not.

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no!!!only scalars and scalars and only vectors and vectors can be added.

Why is the difference between scalars and vectors important?

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Both scalars and vectors have quantity. The difference is a vector has quantity and direction, whereas scalars only have quantity.

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