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IQ is normally distributed in the general population.

Age is not.

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Q: What are some examples of abnormal and normal distribution in statistics?
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Why you prefer normal distribution over other distribution in statistics?

Why we prefer Normal Distribution over the other distributions in Statistics

What is a bell-shaped distribution in statistics?

It is called a normal distribution.

Why you prefer normal distribution over other distributions in statistics?

we prefer normal distribution over other distribution in statistics because most of the data around us is continuous. So, for continuous data normal distribution is used.

In statistics if a condition occurs to more than 10 percent of the population is this considered abnormal?

I am under the assumption that in statistics, if the ten percent condition is not met, meaning that the sample size is more than 10% of the population, then the result is not a normal distribution.

Why Normal distribution is better then other distributions in statistics?

The normal distribution has two parameters, the mean and the standard deviation Once we know these parameters, we know everything we need to know about a particular normal distribution. This is a very nice feature for a distribution to have. Also, the mean, median and mode are all the same in the normal distribution. Also, the normal distribution is important in the central limit theorem. These and many other facts make the normal distribution a nice distribution to have in statistics.

What is the usefulness of normal distribution and its application in statistics?

i dont even no

What does the student's t-distribution refer to in statistics?

The Student's T- Distribution is a type of probability distribution that is theoretical and resembles a normal distribution. The Student T- Distribution differs from the normal distribution by its degrees of freedom.

In Statistics a bell shaped curve is said to be?

a Gaussian or 'normal' distribution

What is normal distribution in statstics?

The normal distribution is a statistical distribution. Many naturally occurring variables follow the normal distribution: examples are peoples' height, weights. The sum of independent, identically distributed variables - whatever their own underlying distribution - will tend towards the normal distribution as the number in the sum increases. This means that the mean of repeated measures of ANY variable will approach the normal distribution. Furthermore, some distributions that are not normal to start with, can be converted to normality through simple transformations of the variable. These characteristics make the normal distribution very important in statistics. See attached link for more.

Why you prefer normal distribution for other?

It is probably the most widely used distribution in statistics. In addition, a lot of information exists on this distribution.

Why normal distribution is better than other distributions?

It may not be better, but there is a lot of information on the normal distribution. It is one of the most widely used in statistics.

Real world examples of normal distribution?
