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Your teacher wants you to use your imagination and think of other things you could compare your dog to instead of a ruler or yardstick. What about measuring your dog in cat-lengths or pencil-lengths? You can think of lots of ways to measure a dog if you just use your brain!

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Q: What are some nonstandard ways that you could measure the length of a dog?
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What is non standard measurement?

Using a non-standard scale. Science has generally agreed on a bunch of units grams, meters, joules etc to make up the "System International" or SI units. These should be used in a scientific context. They are based on Standards - for instance there used to be a stick in Paris which was defined as being a meter long all other meters had to be that length. They now use some trick with wavelengths of red light. Back on topic - There are other scales in general use mostly for historic reasons. The "customary units" in the US for distance (miles, yards, feet and inches) and weights (Pounds and Ounces) being pretty common examples. Using these scales could be considered nonstandard if you were writing a scientific paper. More likely nonstandard measure would be using a scale that is no ones standard. I could (and have) built a scaffold structure using units of "Rebecca" a nice girl who happens to be a good length to put scaffold floors apart. But I think you would have to consider her a nonstandard measure. The point being if you use nonstandard measure then people are not going to understand you since there is no common reference or "standard" to compare to.

How are standard and nonstandard measurement similar?

They are all measurements of some characteristic.

Can you measure a person length using meters?

No. You can only measure a person's length using some sort of marked off stick or measuring tape. After you know the person's length, you can describe it in meters if you want to tell others about it.

How do you find a length to width ratio of a face?

You measure the length, L, in some units (inches, centimetres, whatever), measure the width, W, in the same units and then calculate L/W.

What unit of measure would you use to measure the length of a football pitch?

Metres, but some of the lines may still be in terms of yards.

Related questions

What are some nonstandard ways you could measure the length of a dog?

idrk haha

What are some similarties and some differences between standard units of measure inches and nonstandard units crayon?

if you measure a crayon with inches is not the same as measuring with feet.

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you lick yourelf

What is non standard measurement?

Using a non-standard scale. Science has generally agreed on a bunch of units grams, meters, joules etc to make up the "System International" or SI units. These should be used in a scientific context. They are based on Standards - for instance there used to be a stick in Paris which was defined as being a meter long all other meters had to be that length. They now use some trick with wavelengths of red light. Back on topic - There are other scales in general use mostly for historic reasons. The "customary units" in the US for distance (miles, yards, feet and inches) and weights (Pounds and Ounces) being pretty common examples. Using these scales could be considered nonstandard if you were writing a scientific paper. More likely nonstandard measure would be using a scale that is no ones standard. I could (and have) built a scaffold structure using units of "Rebecca" a nice girl who happens to be a good length to put scaffold floors apart. But I think you would have to consider her a nonstandard measure. The point being if you use nonstandard measure then people are not going to understand you since there is no common reference or "standard" to compare to.

What part of a desk could measure using a linear unit?

The length, width, height, thickness, diagonal, perimeter, are some characteristics.

What is the difference between nonstandard and standard units of measurements?

Standard units are common units that can be re-measured easily. Examples: meters, miles, grams, seconds, etc. Non standard units are more so things than units that can't be measured as easily. Example: 13 pieces of gum in length. Surely you could lay out 13 pieces of gum, but gum varies in size which makes it more difficult to use as an accurate measurement.

How are standard and nonstandard measurement similar?

They are all measurements of some characteristic.

How do you figure out length?

You measure it, unless there is some other information that you have.

Is an inch a measure of length?

yes, yes it is a measure of length. But it's not very useful as CM and MM are more accurate and replaced it but some people still use it

Nonstandard English is unacceptable for use in educated circles because?

Some people in educated circles feel using nonstandard English is unacceptable because it shows a lack of education and class. Some people do not acknowledge slang and do not approve of it.

What is the contraction for where will?

The contraction is where'll (pronounced where-ull). But it is considered nonstandard English by some dictionaries.

Can you measure a person length using meters?

No. You can only measure a person's length using some sort of marked off stick or measuring tape. After you know the person's length, you can describe it in meters if you want to tell others about it.