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In situations where you want to create heat or dissipate kinetic energy, friction is usually a good thing. Friction when rubbing your hands together creates heat, which you appreciate, and friction between your brake pad and brake disc slows down your car, which is also a good thing.

In situations where you want to maintain kinetic energy or minimize heat, friction is usually bad. Air friction slows down a glider, limiting its range, and mechanical friction in a car rolling on a flat surface causes it to stop without the brakes being applied.

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Q: What are some situations where friction is good and some some where friction is bad?
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How is friction good and bad?

Friction is good because it provides traction. Friction is necessary for people to stand, or for vehicles to accelerate or break. Friction can also be used to convert kinetic energy to heat or electrical energy. Friction can be bad because kinetic energy is can be lost to friction.

Why is it that some people who are good at math are bad at programming?

You can't be good a everything.

Why is it that some people who are good at math have bad writing skills?

Given these two characteristics, there are four possibilities: Some people are good at math and have bad writing skills. Some people are good at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have good writing skills. Some people are bad at math and have bad writing skills. Leaving aside what it means to be "good" or "bad" at these disciplines, it is likely that these groups of people have varying amounts of genetic predisposition for success at these aptitudes and their environments provided varying amounts of support or resistance to help them fulfill their levels of achievement. If you're suggesting a causal relationship, that to be "good" at one necessarily implies being "bad" at another, I don't think such generalizations are useful.

Why is it that some people who are good at math bad at English?

some people are good with numbers then words They use opposite sides of the brain. Left for maths and right for language.

What are good and bad things about veterinarians?

bad-they molest your pet good - they treat him/her good

Related questions

What are some situations where friction is good and some where friction is bad?

Friction is good in situations like walking or driving a car, where it provides traction to prevent slips and skids. Friction is bad in situations like mechanical parts rubbing together, where it can cause wear and heat generation, leading to inefficiency and potential damage.

What is bad friction in gears?

bad friction is when 2 things rub together .

How is friction good and bad?

Friction is good because it provides traction. Friction is necessary for people to stand, or for vehicles to accelerate or break. Friction can also be used to convert kinetic energy to heat or electrical energy. Friction can be bad because kinetic energy is can be lost to friction.

What are some examples of good and bad friction?

Good friction: the traction between tires and the road that allows vehicles to grip the surface and drive safely. Bad friction: the resistance between moving parts of a machine that causes wear and tear, leading to decreased efficiency and potentially damaging the equipment.

What can you learn from the book of Pollyanna?

You can look for the good in bad situations.

Why is friction both good and bad?

Friction is good because it allows us to walk, grip objects, and drive vehicles. However, it can also be bad because it can cause wear and tear on surfaces, reduce efficiency in machines, and lead to overheating in moving parts.

How friction create harm while cycling?

Friction can be either good or bad depending on where it is. Friction between parts that are meant to stay put is a good thing, friction between parts that are supposed to move is a bad thing. Tires for instance are meant to roll along the road, not slide. Here, friction is good. But then you cone to the hubs. In here, the wheel has to move around the axle. Here, friction is bad. Here, friction will turn effort that would otherwise have gone into moving the bike forward into heat, which is no use to the rider at all.

What are some bad effects of friction?

Grazing your knees and hands when falling over and sliding on a hard surface is caused by friction with the ground. A spacecraft returning to earth will heat up to red hot due to friction with the atmosphere. These are just two bad effects of friction. But, there are good effects, too. Friction from your vehicle or bicycle brakes will bring you to a stop! Friction from your tyres and the road surface will prevent you from skidding.

How many people have a bad life?

We humans have a perception about our lives.God has given us some good and some challenging situations in our lives.Apply our minds in such a way that we come out of every problem.History is full of instances when great man had taken their misfortunes for making there life purposeful for mankind. Perceiveing situations in our life as good or bad, is in our minds.Get up and face these situations with calm and never dying attitude.Best of luck for a bright future.

Is friction good for machines?

Some machines need friction to operate. Brakes, grinders, traction wheels, and others all rely on friction to work. In other cases, friction is bad. electric and fuel-fired powerplants for example, are all designed so as to minimize friction. That's why the lubricant industry exists!

What is situation without friction good or bad?

For us, it would probably be bad. Without friction, it would be nearly impossible to get around. imagine walking around on ice all day, but worse.

Why is friction a bad thing?

Friction isn't always bad, but when engineers try to avoid or reduce friction, it is because of the energy lost due to friction.