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Q: What are technological variables?
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Organization size Workplace diversity Technological Change Government and Legislation

What factors are used to segment industrial markets?

Industrial markets are often divided on the basis of organizational variables, such as type of business, company size, geographic location, or technological base.

What was the main cause of the increased productivity in the 1950's?

Technological advancements. - NovaNet

What does a technological problem consist of?

a problem that is technological

What limitation more easily to overcome between technological and non-technological?

non-technological limitations

What is technological development and the factors affecting technological development?

No no

What is technological analysis?

Tesco is a very technological company

How do the test variables and outcome variables in an experiment compare?

Test variables are the factors that are intentionally changed or manipulated by the researcher in an experiment, whereas outcome variables are the factors that are measured and affected by the test variables. Test variables are the independent variables that are controlled by the researcher, while outcome variables are the dependent variables that change in response to the test variables. The relationship between the test variables and outcome variables is explored to determine the effect of the test variables on the outcome variables.

How many variables are tested during an experiment?

There are three types of variables tested: manipulated variables, controlled variables, and experimental variables.

What are the Greeks technological advances?

there main technological advance was figuring out how to do it

What is tesco technological analysis?

Tesco is a very technological company

Definition of technological constraints in media?

technological constraints of mechanization