Plot straight line or curved graphs on the Cartesian plane
Plot a line of 'best fit' for any correlation of given data
Solve simultaneous equations when the coordinates intersect each other
You do not have 3 coordinates in the Cartesian plane. The Cartesian plane is a plane and is therefore 2 dimensional. In 2 dimensional space you require only 2 coordinates. 3 coordinates are required to locate a point in 3-dimensional space but then it cannot be a Cartesian PLANE.
A point has coordinates (-3, 0). Where is it located in the coordinate plan?A point has coordinates (-3, 0). Where is it located in the coordinate plan?
It is [(3 + -13)/2, (3 + -13)/2] = [-10/2, -10/2] = (-5, -5)
Coordinates: (-4, 1) and (6, 3)Slope of line: 1/5
Points: (-1, 2) and (3, 3) Slope: 1/4
The point whose Cartesian coordinates are (-3, -3) has the polar coordinates R = 3 sqrt(2), Θ = -0.75pi.
You do not have 3 coordinates in the Cartesian plane. The Cartesian plane is a plane and is therefore 2 dimensional. In 2 dimensional space you require only 2 coordinates. 3 coordinates are required to locate a point in 3-dimensional space but then it cannot be a Cartesian PLANE.
In cartesian coordinates (x, y) = (3, -4)
gps coordinates 3 rue de castiglione paris
A point has coordinates (-3, 0). Where is it located in the coordinate plan?A point has coordinates (-3, 0). Where is it located in the coordinate plan?
The new coordinates are (3, -5).
It is [(3 + -13)/2, (3 + -13)/2] = [-10/2, -10/2] = (-5, -5)
B is (-5, 9).
Check: wikiHow Plot-Polar-Coordinates Made things a lot easier.....
If they are coordinates, a comma "," Ex: [-3,3]