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Q: What are the 4 roots of government?
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What are the 4 kinds of roots?

Not sure what answer you are looking for, but here are 4 types of roots in math. First is a square roots, next is cube roots, then the nth roots, and lastly rational roots.

The roots of your government date back to?

The roots of US government date back to the British practices of rule by law and representative legislature.

What are the positive and negative square roots of 4?

The square roots of 4 are -2 and 2.

Can you put grass-roots in a sentence?

We can't get government reform without grass-roots support.

Why is municipal government sometimes called 'grassroots' government?

people in government have sex and thats why it is called grass-roots.

Why is municipal government sometimes is called grassroots government?

people in government have sex and thats why it is called grass-roots.

What are the roots of the polynomial function 3x2-13x 4?

(3x - 1)(x - 4) so roots are 1/3 and 4

What is the prefix and roots for Government terms?

The prefix for government terms is "govern-" which means to control or rule. Some common roots for government terms include "poli-" which means relating to a city or state, "crat-" which means rule or power, and "archy-" which means ruler or government.

What are 2 square roots for 4?

The two square roots of 4 are 2 and -2. Both {2,-2} when squared, equal positive 4.

Obtain fifth roots of 4 3i?

To find the fifth roots of 4 + 3i, first convert the number to polar form: 4 + 3i = 5∠36.87°. Then, to find the fifth roots, divide the angle by 5: 36.87° / 5 = 7.374°. The fifth roots in polar form are 5∠7.374°, 5∠67.374°, 5∠127.374°, 5∠187.374°, and 5∠247.374°.

4 square roots of 6 divided by four square roots of 8?

Expressed as a surd, 4 sqrt(6) / 4 sqrt(8) = 4 sqrt(3).

What are the two square roots of 16 over 81?

√(16/81) = (√16)/(√81) = 4/9 → The two roots are 4/9 and -4/9