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- A higher surface area will increase heat loss as more heat can be radiated.

- It may improve an object's ability to float on water.

- Increases drag or air resistance when an object is moving - this is why parachutes are used to slow people down when falling.

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Q: What are the advantages of higher proportion of surface area to volume?
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How does a surface area of a solid vary with its volume?

Provided the shape remains similar, the surface varies as the 2/3 power of the volume. Or, to put it another way, the cube root of the volume varies directly as the square root of the surface area. Or, the square of the volume is in direct proportion to the cube of the area.

Does a flat worm or a cylindrical worm have a higher surface area to volume ratio?

Flatworms have a higher surface area/volume ratio compared to a cylindrical worm, this is one of the reasons for flatworms to have the structure they do.

Which cell has the greater surface area compared to its volume the large cell or one of the smaller cells?

A smaller cell has a higher surface area to volume ratio. A reason for this is volume is cubic (3D) and surface area is 2D so when surface area increases a little bit, the volume increases exponentially. And when the surface area shrinks a little bit, the volume decreases exponentially.

How can you obtain a cell's ratio of surface area to volume?

To obtain the ratio of surface area to volume, divide the surface area by the volume.

What it is inverse and direct proportion?

Direct Proportion means that as one increases, the other also increases.Inverse proportion is the reciprocal of direct proportion. If something is in the direct proportion of 1:3, then the inversion proportion is 3:1.OrIndirect Proportion means that as one increases the other decreases, or one is directly proportional to 1 divided by the other. Example: Pressure is indirectly proportional to volume, or Pressure is directly proportional to 1/Volume.

Related questions

How does a surface area of a solid vary with its volume?

Provided the shape remains similar, the surface varies as the 2/3 power of the volume. Or, to put it another way, the cube root of the volume varies directly as the square root of the surface area. Or, the square of the volume is in direct proportion to the cube of the area.

Does a flat worm or a cylindrical worm have a higher surface area to volume ratio?

Flatworms have a higher surface area/volume ratio compared to a cylindrical worm, this is one of the reasons for flatworms to have the structure they do.

How do you find the direct proportion between volume and surface area of a cube?

To tackle this you first need to know the equations for both volume and surface area. The surface area of a cube is 6x2 where x is the side length. The volume of the cube is x3. Thus x is the cube root of the volume. We can substitute this in to the surface area equation and say that the surface area of a cube is 6volume2/3 This can also be rearranged to say that the volume of the cube is (the surface area/6)1.5

What happens to a cell's ratio of surface area to volume as the volume increases more rapidly than its surface area?

As volume increases surface area increase, but the higher the volume the less surface area in the ratio. For example. A cube 1mmx1mmx1mm has volume of 1mm3 surface area of 6mm2 which is a ration of 1:6 and a cube of 2mmx2mmx2mm has a volume of 8mm3 and surface area of 24mm2 which is a ratio of 1:3.

Why do cactus plants have swollen stems?

Cactus plants grow in relatively arid climates, and they retain water more efficiently by having thicker structures with a higher proportion of volume to surface area than you would find in other types of plants.

Would a spherical protist or a cylindrical protist have a higher surface area to volume ratio?

A spherical protist would have a higher surface area to volume ratio compared to a cylindrical protist of the same size. This is because a sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume, making it more efficient in terms of nutrient exchange and waste removal.

What is the relationship between rate of ion exchange and surface to volume ratio?

The rate of ion exchange is typically faster with a higher surface to volume ratio. This is because a higher surface area allows for more contact points for ions to interact with the exchange material, increasing the efficiency of the process. A higher surface to volume ratio provides more active sites for ion exchange to occur, leading to a more rapid exchange rate.

Which cell has the greater surface area compared to its volume the large cell or one of the smaller cells?

A smaller cell has a higher surface area to volume ratio. A reason for this is volume is cubic (3D) and surface area is 2D so when surface area increases a little bit, the volume increases exponentially. And when the surface area shrinks a little bit, the volume decreases exponentially.

Which statements about the ratio of cell surface area to cell volume is are correct?

As cell volume increases, the ratio of cell surface area to cell volume decreases. This is because the surface area increases by a square factor while the volume increases by a cube factor. A higher surface area to volume ratio is more favorable for efficient nutrient exchange and waste removal in cells.

Which sentence best describes these two models A. Model B has a larger volume. B. Model A has a larger surface area. C. Model B has a higher ratio of surface area to volume. D. Model A has a higher ra?

A.S.Apex :)

How would you calculate the surface area t volume ratio?

To calculate the surface area to volume ratio, simply divide the surface area of the object by its volume. This ratio is commonly used in science to understand how efficiently an object exchanges materials with its environment, with a higher ratio indicating better surface area for exchange relative to its volume.

What percentage of earth is made of rivers?

A negligible percentage, significantly less than 1%. Rivers occur only of the surface of the earth, around 70% of which is oceans. Rivers occupy a tine proportion of the remaining surface. Compared to the radius of the earth their depth is negligible so that they occupy a minuscule proportion of the earth's volume.