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Q: What are the answers for an equation thing?
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What is the solution set of an equation?

All posible answers to the equation.

What are the answers to equation analysis test 2?

Equation last analysis

What is the word for a number that makes an equation true?

Solution. A solution of an equation is a number that satisfy the equation. This means that if you replace this number on the equation and check it, the equation will be true. When you solve an equation you can find some roots, but not all of them satisfy the equation. Thus always check your answers after resolving your equation, and eliminate as solution the answers that don't make the equation true or undefined.

How do you know when an equation has infinite answers?

say system of equation is as follows a1x + b1y = c1 a2x + b2y = c2 if a1/a2 = b1/b2 = c1/c2 equation will have infinite answers

Why is an equation solver so difficult to argue with?

He keeps changing the subject of the formula, says one thing on one side but does the opposite on the other, and often gives irrational answers.

What is the difference between simplifing an expression and solving an equation?

An equation is a ploblem with no answer and an expression is a problem with an answer so you'll get different answers with an equation and an expression.

If you have a equation that has only x's and y's that is true what is the first thing you do?

The first thing I would do is find out why I have the equation. That is,find out whether somebody has a question concerning the equation.

How many answers does a linear equation in one variable have?


What is a equation using computer-like terms?

a thing that is a thing

Why is there a such thing as

for answers.

Is equation a noun.?

Yes, the word 'equation' is a noun, a word for a thing.

How are tables and graphs related?

They are different ways to represent the answers of an equation