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As x tends towards 0 (from >0), log(x) tend to - infinity.

As x tends to + infinity so does log (x), though at a much slower rate.

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Q: What are the asymptotes of a logarithmic function?
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What do the asymptotes represent when you graph the tangent function?

When you graph a tangent function, the asymptotes represent x values 90 and 270.

What is the relationship between a logarithmic function and its corresponding graph in terms of the log n graph?

The relationship between a logarithmic function and its graph is that the graph of a logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function. This means that the logarithmic function "undoes" the exponential function, and the graph of the logarithmic function reflects this inverse relationship.

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Not sure what non-verticle means, but a rational function can have up to 2 non-vertical asymptotes,

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If y is an exponential function of x then x is a logarithmic function of y - so to change from an exponential function to a logarithmic function, change the subject of the function from one variable to the other.

What is logarithmic function?

n mathematics, the logarithmic function is an inverse function to exponentiation. The logarithmic function is defined as The base of the logarithm is a. This can be read it as log base a of x. The most 2 common bases used in logarithmic functions are base 10 and base e.

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No, an function only contains a certain amount of vertices; leaving a logarithmic function to NOT be the inverse of an exponential function.

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What is the inverse of an exponent function?

It is the logarithmic function.

Why are asymptotes important characteristics of rational functions?

Asymptotes are one way - not the only way, but one of several - to analyze the general behavior of a function.

What do you call the inverse function of the exponential function?

Logarithmic Function