It is use to fail the engineering students in final exam.... best use of it to make the student,s life hell....
My best suggestion would be to check the entry requirements for pharmaceutical studies/chemistry at universities you're interested in.
Standard and Poor's is a company involved in financial analysis. It is probably best known for its credit rating.
A financier is another name for a financial advisor. They can advise you on many different financial matters such as mortgages, loans, investments and savings. If you have little knowledge in this area or do not have time to research what the best deals are, then they can come in very useful.
That varies by school. Public universities cost less than private. Your best bet is to look at the projected costs at whatever university you are considering. Most schools will have this listed in their websites.
There are many great universities in America which have the best engineering classes. Some great schools to look at include CalTech, MIT, and Georgia Tech.
Harword University is the best university in the world
most of petroleum engineering universities are in UK, you have 7 colleges offer Undergraduate petroleum engineering courses which are : University of Portsmouth, London South Bank University, University of Aberdeen, University of Leeds, University of Manchester, Adam Smith College, Fife, Dundee College
Newcastle & Strathclyde universities in the UK
My opion is Pune is the best.
Staffordshire is very good for automotive.
There is No subsea engineering major in Canadian universities. You have to check Aberdeen and huston universites for the best MSc programs.