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Q: What are the characteristics of a normal curve and its uses in educational assessment?
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What are the characteristics of a normal distribution curve?

Characteristics of a Normal Distribution1) Continuous Random Variable.2) Mound or Bell-shaped curve.3) The normal curve extends indefinitely in both directions, approaching, but never touching, the horizontal axis as it does so.4) Unimodal5) Mean = Median = Mode6) Symmetrical with respect to the meanThat is, 50% of the area (data) under the curve lies to the left ofthe mean and 50% of the area (data) under the curve liesto the right of the mean.7) (a) 68% of the area (data) under the curve is within onestandard deviation of the mean(b) 95% of the area (data) under the curve is within twostandard deviations of the mean(c) 99.7% of the area (data) under the curve is within threestandard deviations of the mean8) The total area under the normal curve is equal to 1.

Is the standard normal curve non symmetrical?

The standard normal curve is symmetrical.

What are the three characteristics of a supply curve?

The three characteristics of a supply curve are the slope, shift, and the curve's position. Together they help determine supply and demand trends.

Normal curve is the meaning of standard normal distribution?

No, the normal curve is not the meaning of the Normal distribution: it is one way of representing it.

What are the properties of a standard normal curve?

It is a normal curve with mean = 0 and variance = 1.

What is the area under the standard normal curve?

the standard normal curve 2

What are the major characteristics of an indifference curve?

The three major characteristics of an indifference curve are: 1. They are negatively sloped 2. They are convex to the origin 3. Indifference curve cannot be intersected

He area under the standard normal curve is?

The area under the standard normal curve is 1.

What makes ormal curve asymmetrical?

There is no such thing as an "ormal curve". And a Normal curve IS symmetrical!

Can you compare and contrast the skewness and normal curve?

Answer this question...similarities and differences between normal curve and skewness

The area under the normal curve is greatest in which scenario?

The area under the normal curve is ALWAYS 1.

What are the characteristics of a normal density curve?

It is a symmetric function which is fully described by two parameters. It is called bell shape but I have never seen a bell whose rime is infinitely far away from its apex. The area under the curve is equal to 1.