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Q: What are the different sizes of leaves?
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Why are leaves that come from the same tree different sizes?

Because They Are All In Different Progresses of Growing.

Why plants have different shapes and sizes of leaves?

to identify it quicklycause if all plantshave the sameleaves it will hard forthe people to identify it...

Why do leaves have different size?

Leaves have different sizes due to variations in genetic factors, environmental conditions, and the species of the plant. Factors such as light availability, water availability, and competition for resources can also influence leaf size. Additionally, leaf size can play a role in maximizing photosynthesis and balancing water loss through transpiration.

Do ferns have long leaves?

Ferns differ in sizes and shapes from tiny moss-like sizes to house-gutter sizes. They can be elongated or spiral. But most ferns have elongated compound leaves.

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Why do leaves in the same plant have different sizes?

Leaves can vary in size within the same plant due to genetics, environmental conditions, and their position on the plant. Factors such as sunlight exposure, nutrient availability, and water supply can influence leaf size. Additionally, leaves growing in different parts of the plant may have different functions, leading to variations in size.

What structure control the sizes of the opening on leaves?


What are the sizes of the mint leaves?

2-5 inches

Why are shapes and sizes of cell different?

Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

How do leaves from different plants are differ from each other?

Leaves from different plants can vary in size, shape, color, texture, margin (edge), and pattern of veins. These differences are adaptations to help the plant efficiently carry out photosynthesis, regulate water loss, and deter herbivores. By examining these leaf characteristics, botanists can often identify the plant species.

Why the leaves of the plants differ to its sizes?

Because of monocots and dicots.

Why are euros different sizes?

They are different sizes to aid the blind/visually impaired