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It depends. Some are a cm and other's are bigger. Most commonly it's a cm by cm.

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Q: What are the dimensions of one box in graph paper?
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How do you draw a time line to scale?

You can try to use the graph paper, or you can also use your ruler and mark the time. two examples is this: One centimeter is ten minutes, and six centimeters is a minute. One box on the graph paper is a month, and twelve boxes on graph paper is a year. Hope this helps.

What is the difference between one dimension two dimensions?

One dimension is a line. It has length, nothing else. Picture a number line. Two dimensions is a plane. It has length and width. Picture a graph.

What is the difference between one dimension two dimensions and three dimensions?

It's a difference in how things are perceived. For instance, our world is three-dimensional. Imagine looking at one side of a piece of paper. That's one dimension. Now look at both sides of the paper; front and back, it's two dimensions. Now imagine the paper turns into a box. That's three dimensions. 1-length 2-width 3-height That answer is just so wrong. A line is one dimensional. It has just length no width or height. (This is an ideal line, not one that you draw since that WILL have a width - it will be as wide as your pencil point.) A sheet of paper is two dimensional (NOT 1-d as stated above). The other side of the sheet of paper is completely irrelevant. A sheet has length and width. If you hold it up, it has length and height (or width and height). Again, this is an ideal sheet of paper, since it will have a very very tiny width (or thickness). Finally, a cube (or a box), which has length, breadth and width is three dimensional.

What does a box and whiskers graph look like?

It has multiple detailed pictures of penises and one massive vagina.

What changes in dimensions would give a box with double the volume?

Any one dimension increased by 2, or any two dimensions increased by the square root of 2 orall three dimensions increased by the cube root of 2.

Related questions

How do you draw a time line to scale?

You can try to use the graph paper, or you can also use your ruler and mark the time. two examples is this: One centimeter is ten minutes, and six centimeters is a minute. One box on the graph paper is a month, and twelve boxes on graph paper is a year. Hope this helps.

Where can one find free graph paper?

You can print free graph paper if you have a printer. You can find the free graph paper templates available online at the Print Free Graph Paper website.

How can one print free graph paper?

One can print free graph paper, by downloading graph paper files from the internet and then printing them. That will cost nothing, except for some paper and ink.

Where can one find printable graph paper?

Once can find printable graph paper from a variety of different sites. These include some great free sites such as Print Free Graph Paper, and Printable Paper.

How to make a good bar graph?

the best thing to do is use a checkered paper then you measure the number by ruler every cm 1 box that means one number per box

A box has the dimensions 20 cm by 10 cm what is its volume?

Your dimensions are for a square. You need one more dimension for a box.

Where can one purchase graph paper print?

One can purchase graph paper print from most business supply stores or business supplies sections of department stores. There are also many free graph paper print templates available online.

Where can one find printable graph paper online?

A person looking to find printable graph paper online can find this item in many places on the internet. Some webpages that offer this item include Incompetech, Graph Paper and Grids, PaperPrintout, and Paperkit.

What is the difference between one dimension two dimensions and three dimensions?

It's a difference in how things are perceived. For instance, our world is three-dimensional. Imagine looking at one side of a piece of paper. That's one dimension. Now look at both sides of the paper; front and back, it's two dimensions. Now imagine the paper turns into a box. That's three dimensions. 1-length 2-width 3-height That answer is just so wrong. A line is one dimensional. It has just length no width or height. (This is an ideal line, not one that you draw since that WILL have a width - it will be as wide as your pencil point.) A sheet of paper is two dimensional (NOT 1-d as stated above). The other side of the sheet of paper is completely irrelevant. A sheet has length and width. If you hold it up, it has length and height (or width and height). Again, this is an ideal sheet of paper, since it will have a very very tiny width (or thickness). Finally, a cube (or a box), which has length, breadth and width is three dimensional.

What is the difference between one dimension two dimensions?

One dimension is a line. It has length, nothing else. Picture a number line. Two dimensions is a plane. It has length and width. Picture a graph.

What are the dimensions of an A3 size paper?

The dimensions of an A3 size paper are 297 mm x 420 mm or 11.7 in x 16.5 in. It is twice the size of an A4 paper.

With the developments of rectangular box on paper how am I supposed to find the area of the paper that I need to make the box -- Not find the air of the box itself but the paper used?

With the developments of rectangular box on paper how am I supposed to find the area of the paper that I need to make the box -- Not find the air of the box itself but the paper used? By measuring the area of one side of the box and multiplying by the six sides. You get the total area of the box (Cube).