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Q: What are the disadvantages of matrix organisation structure?
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Advantages and disadvantages of using adjacency list over adjacency matrix?

Advantages are that you can see the arc lengths disadvantages some times it doesn't work because of insufficient vertices's or arcs.

How does Douglas McGregor's Theory Y relate to the concept of internal control?

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of gregor's theory x of operational organisation

What does organisational structure mean?

Organisational structure refers to the hierarchy of an organisation and how the components of this hierarchy work together to achieve the objectives of the company. For example, in a particular area, there are staff reporting to manager, who may report to another manager, or directly to a ceo (depending on the complexity of the structure or the size of the organisation). Each of these group of persons has their own distinct task(s) to complete that contributes to a main goal(s).

What is functional and matrix structure.under what condition matrix structure is most suitable?

the matrix structure :- a Grid of functional and divisional for two chains of command Matrix structure, shown above, combines both structures. For example, we can have a functional structure and then assign a manager for each product. Some employees will have two managers: functional manager and product manager. This type of structure tries to get the benefits of functional structure and also of divisional structure; however, it is not easy to implement because of the dual authority. This structure is very useful for multinational companies. It is important to keep in mind that each managerial decision has its pros and cons. Sometimes, writers will convinve you that divisional or matrix structure are the recent trends and that you need to re engineer your structure tomorrow morning. Obviously, this is not true. Many organizations still has functional structure and is doing very well. It is very important to select the structure that best service your condition. What is your strategy? How many products do you have? What type of technology are you using? How big is your company/organization? Management should take necessary actions to decrease the disadvantages of the chosen structure and to enhance its the positive effects. For example, if we think the divisional structure is the best type for our condition then we should have tools to exchange knowledge between engineers working in different divisions. These tools can include forums on the LAN and conferences to exchange knowledge. Conversely, if we adopt functional structure, we can form teams from different functions to solve problems and develop our products. Developing countries suffer from the lack of research. Most of research on organization structure based on studying Japanes, American and European compoanies but it is rare to find a research based on a sample of African companies. That is a challenge for managers working in developing countries because the research does not really tell them what to do and what to expect. The differences in cultures can affect the results of adopting certain structure in certain part of the world. Sometimes, you deal with the same organization in different parts of the world and get very different standard of service. This shows that this multinational organization failed to reach the same results in the developing country. Management should not think they are going to double their profits because they adopted flat structure (less number of management layers). If this structure reengineering is not part of a certain strategy, it will not work. For example, if we adopt flat structure and then transfer the authorities of the middle management to the top management then we are increasing centralization and decreasing our flexibility. Similarly, if we adopt functional structure and allow for the duplication of resources, then we will get the disadvantages of the functional structure and will lose one of its main advantages which is economies of scale. Many companies have combination between functional, divisional and matrix structure. Many of the decentralized companies will have one or two department centralized such as human resources or marketing. Whatever structure you have, the results are the most important. The results are not your perception that you are the best. Measure yourself compared with similar companies. Do you need one week to take a decision that they make in one hour? Are your employees motivated more than those in other companies? Are you devloping new products and services faster than other companies? Are you achieving your main strategy?

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