Qualitative descriptions are generally adjectives like 'cool' or 'hot' whereas quantitative descriptions are values like '35 degrees celsius'.
What is an example of a qualitative research?
Quantitative means that it is concerned with how much. Qualitative means that it is only concerned with the kind. And example of quantitative would be the number of trees in a park, and an example of qualitative would be whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes.
The example is simple.Consider a board marker.It is written on it that which compounds are used to manufacture it..To know such information is called qualitative analysis.Now if we try to know the %age of these compounds then it is called quqntitative.
Plant leaves were brown on the edges and had yellow spots on them
What is an example of a qualitative research?
what is a qualitative example of a pencil
Qualitative observations are those that cannot be measured mathematically or assigned a value. For example, "the sky is blue," is a qualitative observation, it has no mathematical value associated with it. Quantitative observations are those that have a mathematical value. For example, "this desk is 1 meter long" is a quantitative observation. Therefore, noting that something is bubbling is an example of a qualitative observation.
A random variable which can take qualitative values rather than numeric values. For example, the question "What colour are your eyes?" will generate qualitative answers.
an immunoassay test for pregnancy
Quantitative means that it is concerned with how much. Qualitative means that it is only concerned with the kind. And example of quantitative would be the number of trees in a park, and an example of qualitative would be whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes.
Qualitative analysis is when you try to find out which substances are present in the thing you are analysing. So I think qualitative data of something like water would be Hydrogen and Oxygen.
it once was a planet in earth
any thing that can be measerd
Yes. Histograms, for example.
Examples of qualitative data might be that thunder follows more quickly after lightening as the storm gets closer. It is an information that is descriptive but lacks hard numbers.