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Q: What are the examples of scenario with possible outcomes?
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Does scenario mean story?

A scenario is a description of a particular possible future situation. It is not exactly the same as a story, as it typically lays out different possible outcomes or events rather than following a narrative structure.

What is a possible value?

A possible value is a specific number or result that is within the range of acceptable or expected outcomes for a given variable or scenario. It represents a potential option or solution that fits the criteria being considered.

How do you analyze favorable and possible outcomes?

how do we analyze favorable and possible outcomes

What does three strikes scenario mean?

"Three strikes" is a baseball reference ( "Three strikes and you're out"). It means that the punishment for a third offense will be considerably harsher than for a first or second. A scenario - in this context - means a discussion of possible situations and probable outcomes.

How many possible outcomes are there when flipping a coin 5 times?

There are 25 = 32 possible outcomes.

When a die is rolled twice there are how many possible outcomes?

There are 36 possible outcomes.

How many possible outcomes of tossing three coins?

There are 23 = 8 possible outcomes.

What are the possible outcomes of a coin that is flipped?

The possible outcomes of a coin that is flipped are heads or tails.

What is the definition of counting principal?

Counting Principle is used to find the number of possible outcomes. It states that if an event has m possible outcomes and another independent event has n possible outcomes, then there are mn possible outcomes for the two events together.

How do you find probability from a probability generating function?

you ether use a graph tree diagram or web diagram to answer the possible outcomes of the question possible outcomes meaning the number of outcomes the person will have in the probability or divide the number of favourable outcomes by the number of possible outcomes favorible outcomes meaning the number of outcomes all together

How many outcomes are possible when rolling 5 dice?

Possible outcomes of a single dice are 6 ( 1,2,3,4,5,6) So if 5 such dices are rolled then the number of possible outcomes are 6 mulitiplied by 6 five times. 6x6x6x6x6x6=46656 possible outcomes.

What is the size of the sample space for all the outcomes possible from rolling four dice?

There is 6 possible outcomes per roll of a die. So, there are 6*6*6*6 outcomes or 64 or 1296 possible outcomes.