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Q: What are the examples using affirmative statement with negative tag?
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Can you give examples using negative rejoinder?

Examples using a negative rejoinder include no, I do not. A rejoinder is an answer statement used to reply to a question or statement.

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Why you cannnot use yes in affermative sentences but you can use not in negative sentence?

In some Asian cultures, using direct affirmation like "yes" can be seen as confrontational or impolite, so people may opt for softer language such as indirect affirmation or agreement. On the other hand, using "not" in negative sentences can help soften the impact of a negative statement or express disagreement more politely.

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A semantically negative sentence is a statement that conveys a negative meaning, typically using words such as "no," "not," or negative prefixes like "un-" or "non-." This type of sentence negates or denies something.

What is a sentence using the words 'negative integer'?

Below are examples of sentences using the term:Sentence #1The math problem had a positive and a negative integer.Sentence #2Five minus ten yields an answer that is a negative integer, namely negative five.Sentence #3When the temperature is below zero, it can be represented by a negative integer.

What do you do debate?

Okay so basically debating consists of one topic which can be a statement or question, for an example I'll use the topic "that homework should be banned in school" you have three speakers and one silent speaker who helps write speeches and rebut arguments, there is the affirmative- they agree with the topic, and the negative- they disagree. the affirmative begins the debate. different speakers have different roles, the 1st speaker of the affirmative introduces the topic, scopes the topic, makes a model if required, and allocates the arguments between themselves and their second speaker, then they go into their arguments. 1st speaker of the negative rebuts the arguments made by the 1st aff. and then goes into their own definition of the topic, scope and sometimes model, they then discuss their points. 2nd speakers rebut and do their arguments and 3rd sums everything up using no new information and half their speech is rebuttle. that's about it. just arguing for or against a topic but using structure whilst doing so.

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No. A corollary is a statement that can be easily proved using a theorem.

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Basing a conclusion on examples involves using specific instances or cases to support or demonstrate a general statement or claim. It relies on the idea that patterns or trends observed in individual examples can be applied to a broader context to draw a conclusion.

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Where does Kozol state he's thesis in the human cost of an illiterate society?

Actually he didn't state his thesis statement directly, but using overwhelming examples to prove it.

A corollary is a statement that can easily be proved using a theorem?

A corollary is a statement that can easily be proved using a theorem.

A corollary is a statement that can be easily proved using a theorem?

No. A corollary is a statement that can be easily proved using a theorem.