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The first 85 Fibonacci numbers are:

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  6. 5
  7. 8
  8. 13
  9. 21
  10. 34
  11. 55
  12. 89
  13. 144
  14. 233
  15. 377
  16. 610
  17. 987
  18. 1,597
  19. 2,584
  20. 4,181
  21. 6,765
  22. 10,946
  23. 17,711
  24. 28,657
  25. 46,368
  26. 75,025
  27. 121,393
  28. 196,418
  29. 317,811
  30. 514,229
  31. 832,040
  32. 1,346,269
  33. 2,178,309
  34. 3,524,578
  35. 5,702,887
  36. 9,227,465
  37. 14,930,352
  38. 24,157,817
  39. 39,088,169
  40. 63,245,986
  41. 102,334,155
  42. 165,580,141
  43. 267,914,296
  44. 433,494,437
  45. 701,408,733
  46. 1,134,903,170
  47. 1,836,311,903
  48. 2,971,215,073
  49. 4,807,526,976
  50. 7,778,742,049
  51. 12,586,269,025
  52. 20,365,011,074
  53. 32,951,280,099
  54. 53,316,291,173
  55. 86,267,571,272
  56. 139,583,862,445
  57. 225,851,433,717
  58. 365,435,296,162
  59. 591,286,729,879
  60. 956,722,026,041
  61. 1,548,008,755,920
  62. 2,504,730,781,961
  63. 4,052,739,537,881
  64. 6,557,470,319,842
  65. 10,610,209,857,723
  66. 17,167,680,177,565
  67. 27,777,890,035,288
  68. 44,945,570,212,853
  69. 72,723,460,248,141
  70. 117,669,030,460,994
  71. 190,392,490,709,135
  72. 308,061,521,170,129
  73. 498,454,011,879,264
  74. 806,515,533,049,393
  75. 1,304,969,544,928,657
  76. 2,111,485,077,978,050
  77. 3,416,454,622,906,707
  78. 5,527,939,700,884,757
  79. 8,944,394,323,791,464
  80. 14,472,334,024,676,221
  81. 23,416,728,348,467,685
  82. 37,889,062,373,143,906
  83. 61,305,790,721,611,591
  84. 99,194,853,094,755,497
  85. 160,500,643,816,367,088
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Q: What are the first 85 Fibonacci numbers?
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When did Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the Fibonacci numbers?

Leonardo Fibonacci first recorded his sequence in his book Liber Abaci, which was published in 1202.

What are the first 3 numbers of the Fibonacci numbers sequence?

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What is one way to decide if two numbers follow a Fibonacci sequence?

They will always follow some Fibonacci sequence. If P and Q are any two numbers, then they belong to the Fibonacci sequence with the first two numbers as P and (Q-P).

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Did Fibonacci discover the Fibonacci numbers?

He was not the first to discover it. Fibonacci lived around 1200 AD. He might have discovered it independently but it was known in India from 200 BC.

What are the 11 Fibonacci numbers?

The first 11 Fibonacci numbers are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and 55.

Who discovered Fibonacci numbers?

Leonardo Fibonacci

What are the first three numbers in the Fibonacci sequence?

1, 1 and 2

How many of the first 30 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are odd?

20 of them.

Where did the Fibonacci Numbers first appear?

Fibonacci numbers have always been around. Many scholars believe the concept was first noticed by mathematicians of India. Leonardo of Pisa (known as Fibonacci) first introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics in a 1202 book entitled LiberAbici, thus the sequence bears his name.

Why are these numbers called Fibonacci numbers?

Because the sequence was discovered and studied by Fibonacci of Pisa