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Q: What are the geometrical parameters of a channel?
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The geometrical parameters like volume,shape, and cross section.

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No i can not answer this because i am the one who put it!! WITH MUCH LOVE!! Miriam R. Warren central high school

What are the different geometrical figures?

the different geometrical figures are hexagon nonagon decagon...........

What is the most efficient geometrical shape?

We cannot assess the efficiency of a geometrical shape unless we have a particular purpose in mind. You will have to state what you wish to efficiently do, by means of a geometrical figure.

Does any spider build a geometrical shape web?

spiders do not build geometrical shape webs

What is geometrical line?

A geometrical straight line is infinite but if it has defined end points then it is a line segment.

What are geometrical solids?

a geometrical solid is like a cube all the side are the same and they bare all equal

When programming a new channel in the AN/PRC-152, you must set several channel parameters on different screens. Match each parameter value to the screen where you will enter it.?

Rx 176.0000 - FrequencyVULOS - General configurationNoise - SquelchTEK 1 - COMSECData - Traffic

What is geometrical symmetry?

Geometrical symmetry is a mathematical term for a shape that, if torn in half, can be mirrored and restored to the shape again.

What does -hedron mean?

"Hedron" is usually at the end of a geometrical shape meaning "faces".

What has the author Max Herzberger written?

Max Herzberger has written: 'Modern geometrical optics' -- subject(s): Geometrical optics

What has the author James P C Southall written?

James P. C. Southall has written: 'Mirrors, prisms and lenses' -- subject(s): Geometrical optics 'The principles and methods of geometrical optics' -- subject(s): Geometrical optics