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Q: What are the kind of polynomial according to the number of degree?
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What are the kind of polynomial according to the number of terms?

monomial,binomial, trinomial, quadrinomial and quintinomial

What kind of polynomial is this 2x5 plus 2x4 plus 2x plus 1?

A fifth degree polynomial.

What is an expression of second degree?

An expression of the second degree can be any kind of expression, the most popular being a quadratic polynomial of the form ax^2 + bx + c.

What kind of polynomial is the one shown F of x equals 15 x squared minus 2.5 plus 3?

F(x) = 15x2 - 2.5 + 3 That's a quadratic or 2nd degree polynomial in x.

What kind of polynomial is 3x3 plus x plus 1?

what kind of polynomial is shown 3x3+x+1

What kind of polynomial is x3y3?

It is a monomial.

Which kind of polynomial is this 3x3 plus x plus 1?

I really want to see x^3 to represent x to the power of 3 and x3 to represent the third element of the sequence (xn). Because in Calculus, we use x3, a5, etc. all the time. Anyway 3x^3 + x + 1 is a degree 3 (highest degree in the poly.) polynomial.

What kind of polynomial is shown 0.2x4 - 5x2 - 7x?

I am assuming this is: .2x4 - 5x2 - 7x, which would be a Quartic Polynomial.

What kind of sequence is the pattern 1 6 7 13 20?

There are many possible answers. But given 5 points, an answer that can be guaranteed is that it is a polynomial of degree 4 (a quartic).In this case, Un = (-13n4 + 166n3 - 719n2 + 1310n - 720)/24There are many possible answers. But given 5 points, an answer that can be guaranteed is that it is a polynomial of degree 4 (a quartic).In this case, Un = (-13n4 + 166n3 - 719n2 + 1310n - 720)/24There are many possible answers. But given 5 points, an answer that can be guaranteed is that it is a polynomial of degree 4 (a quartic).In this case, Un = (-13n4 + 166n3 - 719n2 + 1310n - 720)/24There are many possible answers. But given 5 points, an answer that can be guaranteed is that it is a polynomial of degree 4 (a quartic).In this case, Un = (-13n4 + 166n3 - 719n2 + 1310n - 720)/24

Why is roots of even or odd hurwitz polynomial found on the jw axis only?

Actually, the roots of a Hurwitz polynomial are in the left half of the complex plain, not on the imaginary axis. As for the reason, that is because the polynomial is DEFINED to be one that has that kind of roots.

What kind of polynomial is 3x2y3?

If you mean: 3x+2y = 3 then it is a straight line equation

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Freelance of what kind of job? You charge according to the job description and degree of difficulty