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Learning to use foregrounds in our photographs is tricky because we tend to focus on the subject of our photograph and forget about everything else. When we are learning about foregrounds, one of two things often happens. The first thing is we may ignore objects in the foreground if they are distracting or if they don't contribute to the story of the photograph.

If we don't have that problem, the second possible problem is that we have foreground space in the photograph, but there's nothing there. For example, think about the Grant photograph above. Imagine what it would look like if there was a field where the river and shrubs are. The photograph would lack some of the interest and drama that it has now. It might still be a good photograph, but including an interesting foreground makes the image better.

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Q: What are the limitations of two-dimensional art forms like photographs?
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Kitchen Design Pictures?

Designing your ideal kitchen can sound like a daunting task, but it is really quite easy to start formulating a plan. One of the best ways to help develop a cohesive decor in your kitchen is by examining photographs. If you find photographs of kitchens that you like, you are well on your way to designing your own kitchen.Finding photographsIt is easy to find photographs of various kitchen designs. Magazines that focus on the home and interior design, such as Better Homes and Gardens or Interior Design, often contain multiple-page spreads of kitchen design photographs. In addition to this, the internet is doubtlessly the best resource for kitchen design ideas. A Google search for "kitchen design photographs" is sure to supply you with ample concept photographs of various kitchen styles.Finding what you likeOnce you have compiled photographs from various sources, take some time to identify which photographs appeal to you and which do not. The photographs that you find unappealing are just as important as those that you love. Compare the photographs that you dislike and study the similarities. If all of the photographs that you dislike contain dim lighting, stainless steel appliances and black and white color schemes, then those are probably elements that you want to avoid when designing your own kitchen. Similarly, compare the photographs that you do like. If you find that these photographs all contain earth tones, large windows and deep sinks, then these are the elements that you want to carry over into the decor of your kitchen.Compile a file of photographs for reference. If you take them with you when you are selecting tile or paint colors, they provide an easy comparison. Designing your kitchen is not as hard as you might think. Photographs of different kitchen styles can provide you with a great jumping off point in deciding how you want your kitchen to look.

What is spanish for i like your photographs of dragonflies?

"Me gustan tus fotos de libélulas"