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channel length

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Q: What are the number of layers between producers and their target customer know as what kind of channel?
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What is logical channel?

logical channel is a communication line between the layers in a network hierarchy that is used to transfer data among the layers . gaurav thakur UIIT for free computer science books visit

What is the bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers and its top layers represent consumers called?

The bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers is called the trophic level, while the top layers representing consumers are known as higher trophic levels. This structure illustrates how energy flows through an ecosystem, with producers forming the base and subsequent levels representing different consumer groups.

What are formations that are sandwiched between layers of existing rock formations?

The formations that are sandwiched between layers of existing rock formations called sills. Another formation between layers is called laccoliths.

What is an igneous intrusion between two sedimentary rock layers?

A laccolith is an igneous formation between two sedimentary layers

Which layers of the OSI model does B channel use to transfer packet data?

Network Data-link

What is the difference between the physical layers and the compositional layers?

dont know dont care

What Figure tucked in between the mummy's layers of wrapping?

Amulets were wrapped in between the layers of Ancient Egyptian mummies (only if the person was at least upper middle class)

What are formations that are sandwiched between layers of existing rock formations called?

Formations that are sandwiched between layers of existing rock formations are called interbedded formations. These formations are typically deposited in between layers of pre-existing rocks due to changes in sedimentation patterns or depositional environments over time.

Which primary producers in most ocean ecosystems and that which produce energy through photosynthesis?

Primary producers in most ocean ecosystems are phytoplankton, which are microscopic algae that use photosynthesis to produce energy. Phytoplankton play a crucial role in marine food chains by converting sunlight into organic matter that fuels the rest of the ecosystem.

Does a dike form when magma forces itself between rock layers and hardens?

Yes, a dike forms when magma intrudes into existing rock layers and solidifies. As the magma cools and solidifies underground, it creates a vertical or near-vertical sheet-like body of igneous rock that cuts across the existing rock layers.

Why does a Stevenson screen have two roof layers with an air space in between?

the roof is double layered with provition for ventilation of the space between the 2 layers

What two layers does ozone layer lay between?

The ozone layer lies in the stratosphere. It does not lie between 2 layers. Some ozone is there in troposphere.