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Q: What are the numbers in the Fibonacci ratio?
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Why are Fibonacci numbers so special?

Fibonacci numbers are important in art and music. The ratio between successive Fibonacci numbers approximates an important constant called "the golden mean" or sometimes phi, which is approximately 1.61803.

How are pentagrams related to Fibonacci numbers?

The pentagram is related to the golden ratio, because the diagonals of a pentagram sections each other in the golden ratio. The Fibonacci numbers are also related to the golden ratio. Take two following Fibonacci numbers and divide them. So you have 2:1, 3:2, 5:3, 8:5 and so on. This sequence is going to the golden ratio

How does the golden ratio relate to the Fibonacci sequence?

The golden ratio is approximately 1.618: 1. This ratio is commonly found in nature and architecture. Stock traders often look for this ratio in patterns on stock charts. One way to compute this ratio is to compare any adjacent Fibonacci numbers. For this reason stock traders often refer to this type of analysis using the term Fibonacci, as in "Fibonacci retracements".

What is the ratio of odd Fibonacci numbers to even Fibonacci numbers?

The ratio is 1:2. For every even number there are 2 odd numbers. Fibonacci Series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... which is even, odd, odd, even, odd, odd, even, odd, odd, even, ... the pattern continues

Is the Fibonacci sequence the golden ratio?

No, but the ratio of each term in the Fibonacci sequence to its predecessor converges to the Golden Ratio.

For what purpose Fibonacci sequence numbers are used?

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two previous numbers. When graphed, the sequence creates a spiral. The sequence is also related to the "Golden Ratio." The Golden Ratio has been used to explain why certain shapes are more aesthetically pleasing than others.

What are the relations between the golden ratio and the Fibonacci series?

The ratio of successive terms in the Fibonacci sequence approaches the Golden ratio as the number of terms increases.

Who discovered Fibonacci numbers?

Leonardo Fibonacci

What is golden ratio in Fibonacci series?

As you expand the Fibonacci series, each new value in proportion to the previous approaches the Golden Ratio.

Why are these numbers called Fibonacci numbers?

Because the sequence was discovered and studied by Fibonacci of Pisa

Fibonacci numbers 4 8 22 55 88?

No, they are not the normal Fibonacci numbers.

An explanation of a pattern in nature that is supported by observations and results from many investigations?

One pattern in nature that is supported by many investigations is the occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in plant growth patterns. These numbers can be seen in the arrangement of leaves, petals, and seeds in various plants. The ratio between consecutive Fibonacci numbers approaches the golden ratio, which is believed to optimize growth efficiency in plants.