

Best Answer

Possibilities on the first toss = 2. For each of these . . .

Possibilities on the second toss = 2. Fo reach of these . . .

Possibilities on the third toss = 2.

Total possible sequances in 3 tosses = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

Number of ways to get heads exactly twice = 3 .

H - H - T

H - T - H

T - H - H

Probability of exactly 2 heads in 3 tosses = 3/8 = 37.5% .

Odds = 3 in 8, or 5 to 3 against it.

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Q: What are the odds of getting heads exactly twice when a coin is flipped 3 times?
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A coin is flipped three times what would the elements in the event of getting two heads be?

They are HHT HTH and THH

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suppose you flipped a coin 100 times you might have flipped heads 50 time and tails 50 times

What is the probability is of getting 3 heads in a row if I toss the coin 10 times?

The probability of getting 3 or more heads in a row, one or more times is 520/1024 = 0.508 Of these, the probability of getting exactly 3 heads in a row, exactly once is 244/1024 = 0.238

What is the probability of getting heads 1 time if flipped coin 4 times?

It is 4*(1/2)4 = 4/16 = 1/4

A fair coin is flipped 4 times what is the probability of getting more than 3 heads?

The probability of flipping a fair coin four times and getting four heads is 1 in 16, or 0.0625. That is simply the probability of one head (0.5) raised to the power of 4.

What is the probabilty a coin will land on heads 3 times if flipped 3 times?

1 and a half

What is the probability of getting heads on all 3 times if flips coin 4 times?

If a coin is flipped 4 times, the probability of getting 3 heads is: 4C3 (1/2)^3 (1/2)^1 = 4(1/8)(1/2) = 4/16 = 1/4

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What is the probability of obtaining exactly 4 heads in a coin?

About a 1 in 16 chance of getting a coin to land on heads 4 times in a row.

Has anyone ever flipped a coin 24 times and got all heads?

The probability of flipping a coin 24 times and getting all heads is less than 1 in 16 million. (.524) It would seem that no one has ever done that.

A coin is flipped 60 times it lands on heads 36 times Do you think that the coin is biased?

yes the coin is biased because it turned to heads 36 times.