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The odds of rolling 5 ones is 1/6 *1/6 *1/6 *1/6 *1/6 = 1/7776

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Q: What are the odds of rolling five ones with five dice?
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If the number cubes are standard dice cubes, the odds of rolling 3 ones is 1 in 216.

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The odds of rolling a single one on a 20-sided die is 1 in 20 (1/20). Since the rolls are independent events, the odds of rolling two ones on two 20-sided dice would be (1/20) * (1/20), which simplifies to 1 in 400 (1/400).

What is the probability of rolling 3 ones with 4 dice?

The probability of rolling 3 ones with 4 dice is:4C3 (1/6)3 (5/6) = 0.015432098... ≈ 1.54%

How is it possible to not roll a 6 with 6 dice?

if you are talking about getting a roll that totals 6 - there is only one way to roll that - get all ones. as such there are 6^6 -1 = 46656 -1 = 46655 other ways to roll the dice. so the odds of not rolling a total of 6 with 6 dice is 46655/46656 = .~99.997857%. If you are talking about not rolling a 6 on ANY of the dice, there are 5 ways to roll each die that will give you something other than 6 so the number of ways to not roll any 6's is 5^6 = 15625. That means the odds of not rolling any 6's on 6 dice is 15625/46656 = ~38.489798%

What is the probabilty of rolling dice hundred times and get zero ones?

(5/6)^100, or approximately 0.0000012%

Odds of rolling 6 ones with 6 dice?

Probability of rolling a ' 1 ' with a single cube = 1 / 6Probability of rolling six 1s with 6 cubes =(1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) = 1/46,656 = 0.000021433 (rounded) = 0.0021433%

If two dice are rolled what is the probability of rolling two ones?

1/361/6 x 1/6 = 1/36

What are the odds of rolling five ones with a dice in six tries?

You can do it in 6 ways: 11111x 1111x1 111x1x 11x111 1x1111 x11111 Each has the same probability: (1/6)5 x (5/6) = 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6 x 5/6 = 5/46656 So the probability is 5/46656 x 6 = 5/7776 You can use the binomial theorem so answer more complex questions like these.

What do you call two ones in dice?

snake eyes