The denominator cannot be zero.
No restrictions are required.
There can be no greatest denominator. Suppose x is the greatest denominator of two numbers a and b. That is to say, x is a multiple of a, x is a multiple of b and x is the greatest such number. Now consider the number 2x. It is a multiple of a, it is a multiple of b and it is greater than x. This contradicts the statement that x is the greatest such number. So such an x cannot exist.
Sure you can substitute that. You just have to be careful to avoid division by zero - but the same may happen with other numbers as well. For example:If you have a denominator "x", then you can't substitute "x" by zero.If you have a denominator "x - 1", then you can't substitute "x" by 1, because if you do, the denominator will be zero.
The Answer:If both the denominator and the numerator is the same, it is equivalent to x/x = 1, which is the same concept x0 revolves upon.
The denominator cannot be zero.
Substitute the variable in the denominator for a value that will make the denominator have a value of 0 or an imaginary number
There can be no greatest common denominator. For supose x is the greatest common denominator. ie 24 divides x and 36 divides x. Then 2x is a common denominator and 2x > x so 2x is a greater common denominator than the greatest common denominator. That contradiction implies that there is no greatest common denominator.
No restrictions are required.
You CAN have a variable in the denominator 1/x=1 is a simple example. The answer is x=1. The other is 10/x=2 x=5.
Numerator = 12, Denominator = 36 x/(x+24)=1/3 (x is the numerator) 3x=x+24 2x=24 x=12 Numerator = 12 Denominator = 12+24 = 36
The least common denominator is 3x.
The denominator cannot be 0. A number with denominator 0 is not defined.
Multiply numerator and denominator by 2 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 2 15 x 2 = 14 30 Multiply numerator and denominator by 3 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 3 15 x 3 = 21 45 Multiply numerator and denominator by 4 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 4 15 x 4 = 28 60 Multiply numerator and denominator by 5 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 5 15 x 5 = 35 75 Multiply numerator and denominator by 6 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 6 15 x 6 = 42 90 Multiply numerator and denominator by 7 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 7 15 x 7 = 49 105 Multiply numerator and denominator by 8 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 8 15 x 8 = 56 120 Multiply numerator and denominator by 9 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 9 15 x 9 = 63 135 Multiply numerator and denominator by 10 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 10 15 x 10 = 70 150 Multiply numerator and denominator by 11 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 11 15 x 11 = 77 165 Multiply numerator and denominator by 12 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 12 15 x 12 = 84 180 Multiply numerator and denominator by 13 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 13 15 x 13 = 91 195 Multiply numerator and denominator by 14 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 14 15 x 14 = 98 210 Multiply numerator and denominator by 15 to get an equivalent fraction: 7 x 15 15 x 15 = 105 225
There can be no greatest denominator. Suppose x is the greatest denominator of two numbers a and b. That is to say, x is a multiple of a, x is a multiple of b and x is the greatest such number. Now consider the number 2x. It is a multiple of a, it is a multiple of b and it is greater than x. This contradicts the statement that x is the greatest such number. So such an x cannot exist.
You multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same expression - and do it in such a way that the denominator becomes rational.Example 1: The denominator is square root of 5, which I will call root(5). If you multiply top and bottom by root(5), the denominator will become rational. Example 2: The denominator is root(2) + root(3). If you multiply top and bottom by root(2) - root(3), then the denominator will become rational.