If the denominators are the same (which is what I understand by "similar fractions"), just subtract the numerators (the upper part).
similar-a similar radicand is to add or subtract similar radicals we simply add and subtract there coefficients and Anex to the sum of their common radical part.
the number before x and y must be the same ex. (2x,2y) (.5x,.5y)
if the denominators are the same just add or subtract.for example:2/7+3/7=5/7
If the denominators are the same, just add or subtract the numerators. For example, 2/7 + 3/7 = 5/7. am i right?
yeah, slamball originated from basketball. the rules are quite similar. But not all of the rules are the same. Slamball is where you slam the ball. Basketball is when you use a ball to get it in a basket.
The rules of most martial arts, particularly traditional ones are very similar. They focus on making people better citizens.
laws are something to keep people safe and so are rules
haha its rachel
they play by the same rules
study it
They have the same rules
If the denominators are the same (which is what I understand by "similar fractions"), just subtract the numerators (the upper part).
see the answer to a very similar questionWhat_are_the_common_camera_techniques
They have the same rules
They have the same rules
They both include steps on.